Sweet Herbal Honey Apothecary
Indig0 & Cowrie Freedom Garden
Honeycomb BiPOC Digital Archive
Bees of the Indigo Ancestral Sanctuary
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The Legacy Bearers
Ase' O community Arts & Wellness Education Program
Welcome to The Indigo House!
Beinvenida a la Casa Anil!
The Bees of Indigo Ancestral Sanctuary is an ancestral safe haven in Villa De Elta, Oaxaca, Mexico, that centers on the strength and unity of community exchange. We use the healing arts as a pathway towards radical healing, preservation, liberation, celebration, spiritual connection, solution/world-building, sovereignty, and equity in under-resourced communities.
By fighting for the vitality and foundation of ecological learning, cultural preservation, ancestral demystification, creative research, community service, innovative expression, whole-person education, rest and sacred practice, we provide this space for creators, healing practitioners, educators, organizers, collectives, and organizations to host projects, ceremonies, and events that support participants towards self-understanding, empowerment, and collective liberation.
We honor the land with care and the ancestors with guidance, all who’ve paved the way for each of us. We build, rest, and celebrate in unity with our ancestors as we radically develop creative alternative methods towards building solutions that provide proper healthcare and living conditions, water accessibility, food sovereignty, ancestral connection, intergenerational bridging, affordable and free education, cultural storytelling, and access to the healing arts through decolonizing the mind and fostering indigenous wisdom.
Bees of the Indigo Oaxaca Mission:
Here at Bees of the Indigo, we will use the Indigo House as a watering well to support building solutions that solve those human rights issues. Proceeds from the Indigo House room rental and residency project supports with providing free events and arts, wellness, solution based and survival community workshops. Gatherings include sacred bonfires, cultural exchange workshops, ancestral ceremonies, healing arts affirmative circles, indigenous medicine exchange, rituals, and more..
To Donate, HOST, Sponsor, or Volunteer: Please email us at Sweetherbalhoney@gmail.com