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Sweet Herbal Honey Apothecary is all of us.


   Our community(s).                                         Our elders.

           Our youth.                                     Our ancestors.

                   Our adults.                       Mama Earth. 


the source beyond and within. 


Empower with truth | Community care | Intergenerational Bridging | Education as liberation



 "Creativity can change lives for the better.

It heals us, inspires us and solves the world's greatest problems."

Jaee Sumter, Founder & Community Nurturer

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White and Blue Did You Know Interesting Fact Instagram Post (3).png
White and Blue Did You Know Interesting Fact Instagram Post (3).png

Rooted Values

Get to Know Us

Sweet Herbal Honey Apothecary LLC is a Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) led educational international development (ID) collective that combats poverty and human rights systemic issues through hands-on education, healing justice + food justice, and the expressive healing arts. We provide creative-centered 'each one, teaching one' pathways that plant solution-based seeds towards world-building, healthier living, global equity, and sustainable justice. 

We believe in getting to the root of systemic injustice by working collectively to rebuild and restore the communities we live, serve, and migrate to by providing foundational solutions to ending personal and societal injustice. We bridge through building and collaborating with organizations and individuals through educational programs, intergenerational and healing arts workshops, artist residences, service projects, curriculum development, handmade products, digital archive, healing services, events, and ancestral ceremonies that foster agriculture, holistic health (mentally, emotionally spiritually, and physically), creative research/solutions that bridges storytelling, expression, and development (personal, professional, and skill).

Through providing need-based resources and introducing or integrating our programs, we work with the communities we serve to build upon new or existing projects that meet the needs of our communities.
We envision ourselves as a traveling community-based ecosystem rooted in liberation, Indigenous and Afro-Indigenous sovereignty, cultural preservation/exchange, healing arts, artivism, intergenerational bridging, and creative solution education. We believe in bridging with each other to support and empower our generations toward building long-lasting legacies and ending global poverty. 

About The  Hive

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Services &


Our Wholistic Products 

Sweet Herbs products are intuitively guided with love and care from our ancestors, Ori, Angels, Mama Earth, and God. We honor give thanks to the land and all our customers for your support and connection to our products made with you in our hearts.




We Give Thanks!

Welcome to Sweet Herbal Honey Apothecary's new permanent space in Macon, GA! We thank the divine creator & ancestors guidance for community and legacy.

- Indigo Earth Mama Homestead

- The Indigo & Cowrie Garden

Finish in 2025! We are always accepting donations and resources to help with building the IndiCrow community garden!


Bees of the Indigo Unity Garden

Through our pathways of liberation, Ase' O: Descendants of Roots and Legacy Community Arts & Education Program, BIPOC Digital Archive, Arts Events & Camps Programming, Garden & Freedom Food Garden, Sweet Cause Giving Donation Fund, we centralize alternative routes towards the vital accessibility towards holistic health, nutrition, and equity and believe it takes a village to empower our generations toward building long-lasting legacies that end global poverty.

We bridge through building and collaborating with organizations and individuals. From all community collaborations, partnerships, and pathways under Sweet Herbal Honey, 50 % of our proceeds go back to our communities through our Sweet Cause Fund, where we distribute need-based items and resources to the low-income communities we serve and care for. Gratefully, we donated over a thousand dollars through our donation drop-offs in 2023 towards our unhoused community in California. This spring and summer, we built and started a self-sustaining garden for families in Oaxaca, Mexico. The Bees of Indigo Unity Garden was donated to a beautiful family in Oaxaca to continue building the ancestral garden and having regularly accessible food! 

Radical Accessibility

At the core of us, we channel and move into action with the wisdom of our elders and the resilient guidance from our ancestors. We honor and integrate the imagination of our youth in building collective practices towards intergenerational understanding that acts as a lit candle towards carrying the collective torch towards liberation and innovating a reimagined world.  

We use the framework of a honey hive and apothecary of souls--- a hive of bees understanding the collective mission to honor ourselves and community members. As we continue to learn and build together, our honey pours itself over for all to experience as one. As an apothecary of people, we are the healing herbs that heal ourselves and support each other in healing. With that combination of bees, honey, and spices, we create a powerful and integrated blend from Mama Earth that acts as our guide towards personal and collective freedom.

Sweet Herbal Honey Apothecary is a moving ecosystem that bridges people and breathes life into the possibilities towards liberation based on each person who partners, offers, shares through word of mouth, and shares themselves. It's every one of us -- giving back to ourselves, our communities, and the earth as a village of community care.  

We believe in the power of creativity and collaboration; our mission is to help bring communities together to bridge intergenerational gaps, develop meaningful connections, inspire positive change and solve problems. Through our creative programming, initiatives and community partnerships, our goal is to build environments where social equity is can thrive through creativity, education, archiving legacy, storytelling, skill development, abundant thinking, social-emotional understanding, agricultural practices, and activism that elevates us as a collective towards solutions that end global poverty, colonized frameworks, cultural, violence and ancestral mystification and community separation. Our community creative agency acts as a community-governing water well. Partnerships, services, and products financially supports organizing producers, makers, collaborating community focused artists, movement healers and educating creators. Sweet Herbal Honey Apothecary also donates a substantial portion of our proceeds to under-resourced communities through our Sweet Cause Donation Fund.

Sweet Herbal Honey Apothecary is founded and nurtured by Janae' "Jaee/Honey" Sumter and the community of people who exchange and build in this work.



We bridge and partner with communities with an understanding that collective power, legacy building, and education are our pathways toward liberation, heart-centered social change, and interpersonal connection. Through education, we provide the opportunity to push forward the narrative of "Each One, Teach, One," as our ancestors did - by offering programs for creators to teach what they know and build creative-based sustainable projects that foster change, regardless of age, background, or prior experience. We work with adults and youth to develop creative-based learning environments and programs that foster collective equity sustainability, global sovereignty, generational wealth, professional and personal development, intergenerational bridging, ancestral and multicultural awareness, community care, personal safety, and legacy building. 

Our education and healing arts center point welcomes liberation through creative freedom and bridges our collective narrative towards emancipation for us, our ancestors, and the generations to continue. We believe in human rights, social and health equity, and community empowerment; we build and create understanding with the communities we serve from the heart. Through the power of connection, developing new foundations, nurturing holistic understanding through creative practice beyond barriers, and honoring cultural exchange, we use our liberation pathways to welcome new ideas, strategies, and opportunities that fuel the fire of world-building and social change.

Our Initiatives/ Pathways towards Liberation


Digital Honeycomb Archive & Sweet Programming

Archived Past Creative Project Collaborations & Projects


The Honeycomb Archive and Creative Programming highlights the power of our narratives, ancestrally and generationally. The archive features how we (personally and collectively) explore and find safety, freedom, togetherness, and purpose through honoring our creative exploration, inner imagination, and social awareness that guides our stories and provides space to share them honestly and safely.

Honeycomb Archive provides accessible digital space for BIPOC international creatives to share their stories, learn, and bridge together through creative exploration and support. Archived projects include short-term in-person and virtual events, artist talks, donation drives, digital recipe books, group discussions, affirmative circles, educational workshops, YouTube storytelling series, zines, author book talks, and more...

We are grateful for all the movement-shaking creative souls/collaborators who've shared themselves with us collectively while also discovering themselves. That is powerful! There is power in our narratives that inspires and activates empowerment and unity. 
As we continue in this nurturing pathway of legacy bridging and building, our programming bridges the fertile healing between our ideas and our experiences that provide liberation and understanding. Together, we produce virtual and in-person events, sustainability classes, creative exploration workshops, artists' talks, healing-based projects, and more...

We support you with vision development, production outlets, idea mapping/step-by-step planning to execution, archiving, and marketing support!


Collage Made by welder & urban farmer Karina Roca for 1-year anniversary

About the Archive:


Honeycomb Archive began in January 2020, during COVID-19, while our founder taught in Mainland China. Through their personal experiences, detrimental and rewarding, they created a social media hive on Instagram for Queer and non-queer individuals like them to express their individual and collective realities as a result of the pandemic and social injustice.


With the start and continuation of Sweet Herbal Honey Apothecary, we develop autonomous spaces for personal connection and collaboration, where creatives can develop soul-based projects that nurture storytelling, healing, and cultural understanding, each one, teach one, and international-intergenerational exchange. Over four years, we've produced over 30 creative healing projects and collaborated with creatives from China, South Africa, France, New York, Georgia, California, and more.... We believe in centering the power of our stories and how we find liberation and healing from them as we find safety in them that promotes mindful inclusivity and exchange with each other. 



Sweet Herbs Online Shop

Sweet Herbs is our herbal shop! Our handmade products conjure spiritual alignment, empowerment, protection, ancestral connection, purpose, community care, and self/universal love. We believe in holistic health, good nutrition, accessibility, and healthy minds that empower and liberate the spirit. Our root medicine, kitchenware, home and travel altars, energetic home decor, naturally dyed work, and eco-artistic spiritual products support the mind, body, and spirit. All products sold under Sweet Herbs are handcrafted by our indigo earth mama, Janae' "Jaee Honey" Sumter.

PRODUCTS: All handmade with love and liberation

Homemade peanut, Protection Indigo Bottles, Oat milk, Salsa, Handmade Eco-Paper, Yoni Incense Holders, Herbal Infused Honey's, Herbal Seasonings, Stress & Root Anxiety Relief Mojo Bags (conjuring universal love, protection, relaxation), Pickled Preserves, Fruit Infused Syrups, Spiritual Brooms and More..

Check out our new collection, Sweet Elders Homegrown Indigo Collection


Bees of the Indigo Ancestral Sanctuary Oaxaca

Bees of the Indigo is a traveling sacred space rooted in ancestral connection with the land. It fosters exchange and learning practice of sacred medicine of the land --- including healing arts, cultural exchange, creativity, community care, and indigenous sovereignty. This is an inclusive space centers and connects Black and Indigenous Creatives of Color, locally and internationally to explore themselves, each other and exchange in creative practices that connects us deeper with our ancestral lineage towards liberation. We believe in providing space for BIPOC communities to explore and unlock connective and creative practices that builds or strengthens their relationship with their ancestors and the earth.

Our Project Mission: 

 Environmental & Healing Justice

Tourism Issue: Cultural Exchange & Preservation 

Poverty Issue: Spiritual & Ancestral Research around State- Drought

Practices around Ancestral & Community Liberation 


Question: How to create Access to Free Food and Healing Arts community workshops

Each one, Teach one: Exchange English - Spanish language exchange/learning // Cultural and Surivival exchange 

Project Started: March 2024​

Project Ended: September 2024

Located in Oaxaca, Mexico 


Ancestral Centered Workshops + Sacred Gatherings

Unity Community Garden 

Rest is a Priority: Short Term Guest Room Rental

The Legacy Bearers Dreamers-in Residence

Gratitude to the ancestors of past, present and future- collective legacy.


Previous Projects: The Ubuntu Cohort Project

Principles: Collaboration, Creativity, Unity & Power, Activism, Healing is Expressive, Education as liberation

To become a community partner, educator or client, please email our founder, Jaee Sumter, Thank you!


Ase' O: Descendants of Roots & Legacy Arts & Wellness Education Program

The Asé O Descendants of Roots & Legacy is Sweet Herbal Honey Apothecary’s education program that grounds itself in intergenerational bridging, inquiry-based learning, arts activism and the whole-person approach to learning. Our mission is to promote alternative & accessible routes to learning, our program centers on health & wellness, arts integration, skill development, trauma recovery through the arts, and social-emotional awareness through the lens of life, storytelling and creativity. Our program partners with schools, community organizations, alternative spaces, collectives, creatives, families, and individuals through teaching, coaching, curating and building integrative curriculums that expand our awareness about ourselves and the world(s) we experience.

We teach in instructional and alternative education environment. We build curriculum, and support new and seasoned teachers, teaching artists and community educators with integrating arts technique, arts wellness, mindfulness, social-emotional learning and arts integration within their teaching pedagogy to best support their extraordinary students whole-person learning.

our Founder & Nurturer:

Earth Mama Jaee Honey Sumter


Framework: Artist Related Work & Projects

Janae’ “Jaee/Honey” Sumter (they/them) is a migrating folk multi-disciplinary artist, curator, creativity coach, healing practitioner, organizer and educator from New Orleans, LA. Currently based in Oaxaca, Mexico, Jaee centers their multi-cultural roots (Gullah, Cherokee, and Creole) as a portal towards cultural exchange, connectivity, liberation and understanding. Jaee usings their work as a form of storytelling; honoring as a vessel-conduit towards personal and collective liberation.


As the founder, their wholistic sacred work manifests through integrating extensive creative-based healing modalities that initiate socio-political awareness and uproots colonized frameworks and systems. These modalities support self and collective awareness through replanting and uplifting roots towards empowerment, wellness, indigenous sovereignty, arts activism, social integration, and the accessibility of creative education as a key to liberation and social-emotional understanding.


Creative Focuses: Digital Design, Arts Technique & Arts Integration Curriculum Development, Instructional Arts Coaching, Creativity Coaching, Travel & Nature Photography, Community Art Curator, Improvisational Dancer, Improv & Movement Meditation Instructor, Intuitive Painting, Public & 1:1 Ancestral Altars, Energy Healing, Crop Growing, Hoodoo Rootwork (conjuring balance, justice, community art and ancestral demystification, and liberation), Homesteading, Community Interactive Installations, Material Assemblages, and more...



Legacy Bearers Dreamers Residency Program

The Legacy Bearers is a Dreamers-in-Residence is a multi-dimensional and disciplinary experimental archival residency. The LB Dreamers Residency is a think tank that explores dream world-building through rest, playful imagination, creative expression, artivism, service, storytelling, legacy building, solution strategizing, cultural preservation/exchange, and ancestral practice that envisions and builds sustainable foundations toward Indigenous sovereignty and collective liberation.

 The Legacy Bearers DIR project that provides local and international artists of all creative disciplines with inspiring independent time and space to develop new, meaningful, and socially challenging work that fosters personal and collective liberation. Through residency plans, intuitive inspiration, research, and archiving, resident artists will explore any creative form(s) of choice to build artworks, experimental projects, or workshops that bring those dreams to life as a bridge toward personal and collective liberation, intergenerational bridging, activism, and legacy building.



SoulFull Alliance 

The Soul Full Alliance (SoulF) is a collective of traveling harmonized community-centered creative businesses, organizations, and creators who build community liberation spaces as an ecosystem network. The Soul Full Alliance interdependently supports each other, forges together, and partners to produce creative-based fundraisers, events, distribution projects, charity causes, and programs that further build creative solutions that empower our communities toward personal and collective liberation.


We believe that teamwork makes the dream work; with this, The SoulF Alliance is an equitable mutual aid. The SoulF Alliance is remote unless we are working on a collective project. We enjoy life as much as work. For our collective personal and professional development, the SoulFull alliance will take group trips for team bonding, monthly food for the soul book exchanges, daily Zoom meetings and more.


All partnered businesses of the Soul Full Alliance will shift between roles to support each other's projects that feel most aligned with the needs of the community project.

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Bees of the Indigo Unity Bee Community Garden

The Bee Unity Community Garden is a community garden that centers earth learning, healing, and alternative sacred practice that reconnects us with the land, our ancestors, each other and ultimately empowers us towards personal & collective sovereignty. Many ingredients in our products are grown from the love of our garden and care for the land; it's homegrown. We believe in food security, equitable global sovereignty, ancestral connection, and creative healing practice that liberates the mind, body, and spirit.


We believe in fostering learning environments that provide our clients, customers, partners, and the communities we work in with space to build together to unpack history, decolonize frameworks, encourage healthier practices, bridge generational understanding, celebrate our collective cultural differences and diversities, and embrace community empowerment perspectives through the practice of our sacred ancestral methods.

Our founders mission to We beleive in ending and bringing awareness to BIPOC and suppportung communites around food swamps and deserts and bruplifhgting local resturants, mom & pop shops, gardens, land stewards, creatives, and organizations who beleive in the mission of healthier  and balanced lifestyles 

- Youth & Adults Environmental Camps (we develop curriculum, coordinate and partner)

- Wellness & Mindfulness Workshops 

- Meditations & Ceremonies

- Plant Medicine Research

- Garden Parties & Community Events 

- Service Projects & Planting

- Nature tours 

We Travel to support Garden Projects (urban and rural) with garden building, ancestral planting workshops, and ancestral nature arts or arts technique workshops.



Sweet Cause Donation Fund

Sweet Cause Donation Fund is our donation fund that financially supports creatives for short-term projects, and small charity causes, and bridges our need-based kits donation Drop-Offs, It Takes A Village.


 Proceeds, partnerships, contracts, and donations also support us by providing free creative-based professional - personal development classes to individuals and parents.

Incoming Proceeds from our workshops, community partnerships, events, services, and products, 50% goes directly back into the community through our Sweet Cause Donation Fund. 


Through our Sweet Cause Donation Fund, in 2023, we donated $1,000 in hygiene kits, fresh produce from local schools in Oakland, 100 tampons and 20 community-made letters through Donation Drive & Drop-Off Distribution towards serving our shelter-less communities in the California area.

Proceeds through our workshops, products, and services with community partners support our mission of serving and empowering our communities! This is a big win and goal for our first year of launching the Sweet Cause Donation Fund! Thank you, community, for your support and community leadership! Let's continue to bridge and end global poverty!


Thank you to our donors:

FM Publishing in San Francsico Now Alternative Soultions, and the Oakland, CA community for writing such powerful letters!

Thank you to our community clients and collaborators through our Ase' O Education Program:

African American Center at the San Francisco Library, Lions Creek Apartments, University of California, Berkeley People of Color (POC) House, Makerz Kids, Community Interventions, and Now Alternative Soulutions in Bakerfield, CA

To Donate: Please email,!

Jaee Honey Sumter 

Check out Jaee Sumter's artist & practitioner offerings


Here you will find Jaee's interdisciplinary community practice and portfolio.

For collaborating and contracting, email them at 


educator, instructional coach, creativity coach, independent arts and art literacy  currculum developer

energy healing practioner, visual artist, dancer, creative writer and more!


Healing our Lineages Workshop: Led by Jaee Sumter


- Altar Building     -  Intuitive Painting & Sound Meditation

- Ancestral Candle lighting     - Honoring our Matriarchs: Letters to our Ancestors

Sponsored by Sweet Herbal Honey Apothecary Sweet Cause Donation Fund

Bees of the Indigo Ancestral Sanctuary


      Bees of Indigo House

      Bees of Indigo House

      Ancestral Sanctuary 

Inclusive - BIPOC centered | Located in Oaxaca, Mexico 

a Safe space. Affirming . Collective . Solution . Creative . Reflection.

a space for rest and intentional creation

that decolonizes the mind and liberates the heart towards

action, freedom and connection. a Liberation House.

      Partnerships, Collaborations, & Building Together

1. Sweet Herbal Honey Apothecary partners with individuals and organizations by supporting and/or expanding their existing program(s) or programming ideas.

2. Sweet Herbal Honey Apothecary introduces our programs, products, services, and/or projects to your community through short-term or long-term partnerships or sponsorships.

3. Creatives, Educators, Collectives, and Businesses, collaborating with Sweet Herbal Honey Apothecary to produce short-term projects or long-term need-based programs that support the communities we serve. The final proceeds will financially support all parties. Collectively from the final proceeds, a funding portion will support a charity cause or service project.


4. SoulFull (Soulf) Creative Community Business Alliance (Coming Soon)

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