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Calm Swirl Bath Salts
  • Calm Swirl Bath Salts

    Excluding Sales Tax

    Calm Swirl is the perfect bath blend to promote balance and relaxation. Calm Swirl is the perfect blend to help balance your crown, 3rd eye and throat chakra. This blend of mint, lavender, sea salt, Epsom salt and lavender salt creates a refreshing cool energy that will calm and relax your spirit. Enjoy the cool and refreshing mint freshness while nourishing your spirit and restoring energy.


    Add Calm Swirl to your bath for a truly calming and restorative experience

    Ingredients: Mint, Lavender & Sea Salt, Epsom Salt, Lavender Salt




                                           Associated Chakras:

    • Crown: Associated with the head, brain, and hair - Awareness, Collectiveness, Connection with the Divine
    • 3rd Eye: Associated with the eyes, located between the eyes - Clarity, Spiritual Awareness, Seeing Beyond Illusions, Telepathy
    • Throat: Ability to Speak one's truth, clear communication, honesty, 


    Affirmation: “Through my connection with the divine, I am able to speak effectively and with greater levels of clarity. Through clarity, I am able to see the bigger picture.”


    With the divine combination of herbal medicines, essential oils and intention, these bath salts will make your bath time a special and therapeutic experience from the Divine Mother Earth.



    Imagine yourself releasing and/or bringing in the desired energy. After, picture a bright beam of light growing around you.

    Apply 5-7 tablespoons to your bath water, then soak.

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