facebook-domain-verification=13zpvbsi6hi4iz6j1ayqn2f137sn7x Awaken Bath Salts | Sweet Herbal Honey
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Awaken Bath Salts
  • Awaken Bath Salts

    Excluding Sales Tax

    Awaken combines the therapeutic properties of Himalayan salts, epsom salts, and essential oils to provide relaxation and renewal. Himalayan salts replenish the skin's natural minerals, while herbs that soothe the body and promote a sense of tranquility. Enjoy the calming aroma of Awaken and let its blend of ingredients work their magic.


    Ingredients: Chamomile, Roses, Mint, Coconut milk & Mango, Pink Himalayan Salt and Sea Salt 



                                                Associated Chakras:

    Heart: Unconditional Love, Forgiveness, Self-love and grace



    “I welcome energies of love, grace and ease. Any feelings of fear, anxiety, worry and turbulence are now being released and transmuted with joy, excitement and exploration.




    Bath Salts are a magical way to affirm, cleanse and bring renewed energy into our lives. ALL products are created with natural herbs, medicines and essential oils from the Divine Mother Earth and affirmed with love, peace and care.


    With the divine combination of herbal medicines, essential oils and intention, these bath salts will make your bath time a special and therapeutic experience from the Divine Mother Earth.



    Imagine yourself releasing and/or bringing in the desired energy. After, picture a bright beam of light growing around you. Apply 5-7 tablespoons to your bath water, then soak.

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